Wednesday, February 11, 2009

| The Beginning - 09052006 |  


Hi... My name is Muhammad Aisy Ahza Bin Ashadi. I was born on 9th May 2006 and this is my life journal.

I was brought into the world in PPUM (Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya) at 2pm. My dad (Ashadi) anxiously waiting for me outside the labor room with my grandmom. He's been waiting since 2am in the morning when my mom (Hartini) got admitted into the ward. I'm the first born grandchild in my father's family side.

I was safely delivered weighting 1.8kg and 12cm tall. Here's some of the photos taken by my dad on the first month I was born.

That's my mom and I'm still sleepy... ZZZzzzzZZ

Hmmm..... look at me....

I've been sleeping 12hrs a day... Fuyooo...

Erk... what's that on my head mom?

Sleepy head.... sigh..

What next?

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